Saturday, April 16, 2011

Rhett just made another trip to Boston in March for his follow up with Dr. Goumnerova and more tests.  I will post the results soon!  Here are a few pics of his life in the hospital before and after surgery in November 2010.

Boston Children's Hospital

Honeywell Building.  The original building, now Doctor's offices.

After a long day of pre-ops.

 Pee Paw flew to Boston to be there for my surgery
I was so hungry before surgery, even my toes looked tastey!

Right before surgery, in his little hospital gown with his best buddy Mac the Monkey!
Here are a few pics of his back pre-surgery.  You can see the dimple and right under it, slightly to the right, you can see the tumor.


Rhett in Recovery


Rhett's bandage

This is Rhett just after surgery in recovery.  His face was pretty swollen from the anesthetic,
as well as being face down for 7+ hours.  His bandage covered most of his back, you can see
the top of it near his shoulders.  Mac went back to surgery with him and was waiting for him
as well as his favorite paci, when he was finished! 

Day 2 after surgery

Moved from my tummy to my side

Mommy & Daddy were so happy to FINALLY get to hold Baby Rhett!
Rhett was pretty excited himself.  We were both scared out of our mind we might hurt him!

Day 3 Moved from my side to my back

Mommy made a mobile from my favorite toys, for me to look at 

A few special deliveries from a few special people!  Pee-Paw brought me a polar bear. 
Mimi sent me  100 balloons & a giant teddy bear.
My good friends Mark,Cooper, Parker
& my Fairy Godmother Auntie Nichol, sent a cuddly teddy bear and sent
Mommy some yummy cupcakes!  I also had beautiful flowers and
so many cards to brighten up my hospital room!

Playing in my crib 
They bring me new toys every day!!!
The nice lady in the cafeteria made butternut squash for me and anything else I wanted!  No baby food for this kid!
Today they want me to sit up, but I
think I would rather try out crawling!

Hey guys!  Look what I can do!!!  Can I go home now?

Is there any question why I was the nurse's favorite?  They loved to take me on their rounds and for strolls around the hospital!

Daddy & Rhett enjoying a little football on tv.

Mommy & Rhett Henry getting ready to go home!!!  Well, almost our Boston home anyway!  Mommy was so grateful for all the wonderful nurses and hospital staff at Children's of Boston!  9NW will always hold a special place in our hearts!  We could not have survived any of this without them and all they did to make this experience much easier!

Packed up and ready to blow this joint!  Leaving the hospital after 5 long days.

Our Boston home for a month. 

My scar a week after surgery.  It was about 8 inches long & still makes Mommy cringe when she sees this pic.
This was right after Dr. G pulled the bandage off at my check-up.

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